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C Is For Cathedral

C Is For Cathedral

C Is For Cathedral

Wednesday 15 February, 2023

It’s smiles all around as Richard, who we support in Newcastle is delighted to have a selection of his fantastic artwork displayed in an exhibition at Newcastle Cathedral!

Art is a huge passion for Richard and there is nothing he cannot do. Whether its hand sewing his favourite Mr. Men characters, or drawing something phenomenal, Richard’s creativity shines through. Richard attends Arcadea, an arts organisation who support and promote the work of disabled artists, and help cultural venues to become more inclusive. Katie Murphy, (Regional Locality Manager – Newcastle and Durham) says, “Richard’s artwork is phenomenal, Richard is passionate about art, and enjoys showing people his sketch book, sharing his art with others.” During the summer of 2022, Richard, along with other members of Arcadea visited the Cathedral, taking inspiration from the art and architecture. The exhibition ‘C is for Cathedral’, showcases members artwork, inspired by the art on site.

Richards amazing work, presented in the exhibition includes numerous single-item drawings, drawn in a bold style. The uniqueness of Richards work is hard to miss, with staff at the Cathedral saying, “you can tell which artwork is Richards.” Katie says this is “a fantastic achievement for Richard, his artwork really tells a story”.

At Real Life Options, we spend time listening to what’s important to the people we support. Richards team continue to support his artistic strengths and capabilities, working with him to help him achieve his full potential. Richard is “really excited” about his artwork being displayed and says his “family and friends are very proud of him”.

The exhibition is running until April 12th so, if you are in Newcastle, why not show your support and head over to Newcastle Cathedral to check out Richards fantastic work!


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