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Vivien Simon joins RLO as Executive Director

Vivien Simon joins RLO as Executive Director

Vivien Simon joins RLO as Executive Director

Tuesday 26 May, 2015

Vivien SimonA very warm welcome to Vivien Simon, who joined Real Life Options in April, as Executive Director with responsibility for operations across England.

Vivien enjoys developing innovative and creative solutions that drive change in business and communities, with over 20 years experience in private and public sector organisations.

Over the last 4 years she has worked for a high performing registered provider in Manchester, leading on community development, enterprise and skills; leading creative new projects and developing innovative strategies linked to organisational and community needs.

Vivien is passionate about the needs of individuals and communities is looking forward to working with the Real Life Options teams for the benefit of the people we support, enabling us to make a real sustainable difference to their lives.

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