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Anthea Sully is appointed a trustee of ARC

Anthea Sully is appointed a trustee of ARC

Anthea Sully is appointed a trustee of ARC

Wednesday 22 February, 2017

Anthea Sully announced as new trustee for ARC

ARC UK (the Association of Real Change) is a membership organisation offering support, training and information to service providers assisting people with a learning disability in the UK. The Real Life Options Group is a committed ARC UK member and has a longstanding history of working in partnership with the organisation, which has included developing a range of training workshops and providing the David Wandless Training Bursary to fund creative training and development ideas submitted by other ARC members.


Anthea joins the Board of Trustees with a wealth of experience gained over 25 years in the health and social care sector. Originally joining Real Life Options as Head of Public Policy five years ago, Anthea has since been promoted to her current role heading up the Business Development and Communications team. She already knows ARC well, having been seconded from Real Life Options to serve as the interim ARC Chief Executive from November 2014 to July 2015.


“I’m delighted to be appointed as an ARC UK trustee,” shared Anthea. “I think the work ARC does is so valuable and is really important in continuing to help further develop how service providers, such as Real Life Options, operate and ensure the best support is delivered to those who need it.”


The ARC Board of Trustees is comprised of a small number of representatives from its member organisations that oversee operations to make sure that ARC is doing a good job at meeting the needs of its members and ensuring that the people they support are living the lives they want to lead. Ultimately ARC exists to help cultivate excellent services for people with learning disabilities and the trustees play an important role in making this happen.

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