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Chair of Scottish Advisory Board has a good feeling about the selection of new Non-Exec Director

Chair of Scottish Advisory Board has a good feeling about the selection of new Non-Exec Director

Chair of Scottish Advisory Board has a good feeling about the selection of new Non-Exec Director

Thursday 10 September, 2015

HollyHolly, who lives in Buckie, was recently elected the Chair of RLO’s Scottish Advisory Board (SAB). She’s absolutely thrilled at the prospect of leading the team over the next few months and most particularly because her election by fellow Board members means, in Holly’s words:  “that they must really trust me to do a good job and that’s what I want to do.”  Holly is working directly alongside David Wilkin, RLO’s Chair of the Board, to fine tune SAB agendas for forthcoming meetings.

Holly led the selection of RLO’s new Exec Director from the very first meetings in Glasgow through to the final interviews in Edinburgh on the 7th September.  She made sure that the interviews ran to schedule, was firm in making sure the right questions were asked and that everyone had their say on the final decision. 

We had a chance to catch up with Holly at the end of a busy day, to find out what she thought of events.  Holly told us:  “I was proud of the team and myself.  We knew what we were doing as we had all practiced and thought carefully about what we wanted from the people we were interviewing. I think we asked some tough, but fair questions of the candidates.  I really enjoyed listening to the presentations each candidate made to us – they had all thought clearly about what they could bring to the people supported by RLO.  It’s been a hard decison for us to make but I think we have chosen the right person.”  Holly added:  “I’ve enjoyed staying at the hotel too.  It’s a fancy place and the bed is
really cosy… and I’m staying an extra night with Moira and Carli, which is
pretty good.”

Holly also wanted to remember her friend and fellow Board member Tamara, who was unable to make it to Edinburgh on the day.  Holly said:  “Tamara is a big part of our group and was a really important part of our planning session in Glasgow in August.  She was missed today.”

Holly can be seen in the picture (top right) just before calling the group to order for the final decisions.

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