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Christmas cheer all over the land

Christmas cheer all over the land

Christmas cheer all over the land

Tuesday 22 December, 2015

Christmas card and decoration competition winners announced!

It’s time to congratulate the amazing winners of the annual Real Life Options Christmas card and decoration competition! Open to all the people we support, we have been inundated with loads of fantastic entries which really showcased some of the extraordinary artistic talent from across the UK. We received everything from incredible cards to creative snowflake decorations and even a gingerbread house!

Huge congratulations to Irene from Hartlepool who was went on to win the prestigious prize of ‘Best Christmas Card’ of 2015 with her fantastic snowman card design fashioned out of colourful tissue paper. Second place went to Tommy from Glasgow for his brilliant Santa and Rudolph card and third place went to Mark from Wakefield for his great glittery card with a pop-out Santa inside.

However congratulations also need to be said to the great people who designed such wonderful cards they ended up on Santas Super Shortlist (see below)! Well done to everyone who took part in the competition and we hope you have a fabulous Christmas.


The wonderful winner: Irene Twidale, Hartlepool

2nd place: Tommy Taylor, Glasgow

3rd place: Mark Totten, Wakefield

 Christmas Card Competition

 Santas Super Shortlist  

  • Alison, Tyne and Wear
  • Ann, Glasgow
  • Bobby, Lilywynd
  • Carole, Hartlepool
  • Craig, Lilywynd
  • Danny, Leeds
  • Edward, Tyne and Wear
  • Elaine, Macduff
  • Faith, Hartlepool
  • Fay, Glasgow
  • Fred, Leeds
  • Helen, Newcastle
  • Janet, Hartlepool
  • James, Wales
  • John, Glasgow
  • Karen, Falkirk
  • Karen, Oxford
  • Liam, Tyne and Wear
  • Lesley, Tyne and Wear
  • Natalie, Durham
  • Peter, West Lothian
  • Robert, Glasgow
  • Sonia, Tyne and Wear
  • Stephanie, Leeds
  • Tyren, Leeds
  • Yvonne, Glasgow
  • William, Glasgow


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