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Competition Time – Paint an Egg!

Competition Time – Paint an Egg!

Competition Time – Paint an Egg!

Tuesday 22 March, 2016

Easter Egg2Share your EGGxellent artistic talent to win!

Have a crack at painting a boiled egg this Easter and share your creation to be in with a chance to win!

Send a photo of your painted egg into Real News editor Sam Goodwin (by email to or by post to Sam Goodwin, Real Life Options, David Wandless House, A1 Business Park, Knottingley, WF11 0BU- no eggs in the post please) by 20th May 2016 to be in with a chance of winning £50.

Please include your full name and contact details.

Compe tition is open to all Real News readers (including people we support and staff). The winner will be notified by 10th June 2016 and will receive a £50 cash prize. The editor’s decision is final.

Good luck everyone and hope you have an EGGxciting fun time painting your egg!


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