Gender Pay Gap Report
Friday 10 April, 2020Real Life Options has recently published our latest Gender Pay Gap Report (5th April 2019).
Operating in the social care sector, we employ a high percentage of female employees (73%) in common with sector norms. Our strategy is to build a diverse workforce ensuring that all employees are treated fairly and with respect. We ensure that all our pay and reward scales are transparent and ensure that all employees have equal opportunity to progress within the organisation.
We are pleased to note that there is only a 1% pay differential in our Median hourly wage rates and a 4.1% differential towards males in our Mean hourly wages. We continue to strive towards parity among all employees and all new recruits are paid at standard rates to help us achieve this. The organisation will continue to review any evident pay gaps both at Mean and Quartile levels, with an aspiration to close any gaps and ensure pay parity for all employees.