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Hats off to Ruth

Hats off to Ruth

Hats off to Ruth

Friday 21 June, 2019

Some of the people we support, family members, friends and our Real Life Options colleagues had a great time recently at Cross Flats Park, fundraising for a sports themed American Independence Day extravaganza.  Attendees and guests raised over £100 towards the event, which will take place on 4th July at the nearby Bridge Café.  Ruth who attended the event says:

“I wanted to go there to help other people with disabilities. I felt confident enough to introduce myself to the people there and I felt they were nice and friendly. I could chat to them.

Helping out there boosted my confidence and now I want to do more voluntary work. I enjoyed taking part in the Easter Bonnet competition. My favourite part of the event was being able to show my bonnet off. I decorated the bonnet with my support worker Liz, but it was my own ideas, my own creation.”

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