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More about the keys to the door

More about the keys to the door

More about the keys to the door

Friday 5 June, 2015

Thursday 14th May brought the second in a series of three conferences, The Keys to the Door: Meeting the housing needs of people with learning disabilities to Sheffield.  The aim of the series of events, held in partnership with Real Life Options, is to raise awareness of the implications of the Care Act amongst providers of support.KTD 2

Speakers  included: Alicia Wood (Chief Executive, Housing and Support Alliance), Ian Haines (Commissioning Officer, Nottinghamshire County Council),  Sue Collingwood (Nottingham Community Housing Association) and Toni Fyfe RLO’s Deputy Head of Operations.

In the picture right, Anthea Sully, Interim Chief Executive of the Association for Real Change and Head of Public Policy for Real Life Options is seen introducing the event, whilst at the same time demonstrating a very stylish karate chop. That’s not easy you know.

The event attracted over 60 delegates, who enjoyed a day of learning from specialists and experts, networking with other providers, and sharing ideas and experiences.  They also enjoyed fabulous prizes, including champagne, chocolates and vouchers.

Full copies of all presentations are available from

ARC England DireKeys to the doorctor, Lisa Lenton said: “The conferences are a great opportunity for delegates to strengthen their resolve towards the pursuit of continually improving the lives of people with learning disabilities, as well as providing a source of inspiration, innovative thinking and new ways of working”.

The conference series continues its momentum and will be travelling to Bristol on the 30th June.  Is there anybody out there will focus on how care providers can ensure that young people with a learning disability have a positive experience during periods of transition.  Booking details can be found on


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