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New Look Unveiled

New Look Unveiled

New Look Unveiled

Tuesday 22 March, 2016

Email Signature image - standardReal Life Options reveals exciting new look, including its revamped logo

It’s been in the pipeline for a long while, but now the time has come to unveil our exciting new look, which includes a revamped company logo incorporating our distinctive strapline; conveying what Real Life Options truly stands for.

Why the change?

• As Real Life Options continues to grow and change, it’s important to maintain a strong and distinct brand that looks modern, dynamic and approachable, but also promotes the professionalism, people and character of the organisation.

• The ‘RLO’ acronym which is the focal point of the old logo can be meaningless to those not already familiar with the company, so the new logo spells out the company name, making it instantly more recognisable to new audiences.

• The dark blue and the iconic swoosh is incorporated into the new logo, but with the introduction of more colours – helping to make all our materials look more vibrant and eye-catching.

Is it just the logo?

• No. Branding incorporates more than just the logo – it represents how Real Life Options will present itself across all materials.

What happens next?

• You’ll notice the new branding being updated on our website, social media, email signatures, letterheads, compliment slips and business cards.

• There is a range of new corporate leaflets being developed to promote the services we provide, which will be made available over the next few months.

• There is a gradual roll-out plan in place to update internal documents and signage. More on that coming soon.


You have a right to know how our services are rated by the CQC and the Care Inspectorate. Click here to find out more.