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On Your Marks, Get Set…Go!

On Your Marks, Get Set…Go!

On Your Marks, Get Set…Go!

Friday 18 March, 2016

Sporting superstars emerge in aid of Sport Relief

Much fun was had across Real Life Options this week as staff and the people we support alike embraced a number of different sporting activities for Sport Relief. A whole host of events were on offer from old classics, including darts, hoopla and boules, to newer digital games, including Wii Sports and Just Dance.

Staff even competed in an old-school traditional sports day, including the egg and spoon race and the beanbag on head race. Friendly competition was rife and everyone had a great time making a dash for the finish line.

Over £100 was raised for Sport Relief which will go towards making a difference to a range of good causes, transforming lives of people in the UK and across the world’s poorest communities.

Sport Relief

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