Real News Issue 109
Wednesday 28 April, 2021Welcome to our latest edition of Real News Magazine which provides stories, highlights and updates from across the Real Life Options Group. The magazine is produced with an EasyRead summary on almost every page to make it more accessible for a wider audience.
Real News is available to read and download from our website, is shared via our social medial channels and circulated by email to our registered subscribers. The publication is created as a digital magazine which is more cost effective to produce and kinder to the environment too.
In Issue 109, you can discover how Connor raised money for two community projects, how a school in the West Midlands put a smile on people’s faces and how a staff team in Hawick championed health care rights. You can learn how volunteering can support life skills, read about an online graduation and find out how the people we support can become a video star!
We do hope you enjoy reading Real News using the digital flipbook below or alternatively click here to download a PDF copy.