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Renewing our Vision and Values

Renewing our Vision and Values

Renewing our Vision and Values

Wednesday 4 January, 2017

Sharing our renewed values 25 years after Real Life Options began

Real Life Options was founded on strong values that put the people we support first so that we could ensure we were enabling people to live their lives as they choose. We will be reaffirming these values during 2017 to make sure they are at the heart of everything we do.

We wanted our Vision, Purpose and Values to be clearly written, easy to understand and remember. The values have also been made more explicit in the way in which they say that Real Life Options value our staff and their development.

Check out the refreshed Vision, Purpose and Values below, which we will be promoting throughout 2017. These underpin our person-centred approach which is really important to us and help to share what it means to work for Real Life Options.

Each team throughout the organisation will have the opportunity to complete an interactive exercise to identify how they can live the values in their job every day.

Our Vision:

To be recognised as leaders in enabling people to achieve their potential

Our Purpose:

To provide excellent social care and support

Our Values:

Renewed vision and values

You have a right to know how our services are rated by the CQC and the Care Inspectorate. Click here to find out more.