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Could you get involved in our Safeguarding Group?

Could you get involved in our Safeguarding Group?

Could you get involved in our Safeguarding Group?

Wednesday 11 January, 2017

SafeguardingSafeguarding is a topic that is hugely important to the Real Life Options Group, so much so that we have a dedicated Corporate Safeguarding / Adult Support and Protection Group. The Group includes a number of staff members, including an Executive Director, a Non-Executive Director, Area Managers, the Head of Transformation and independent representatives.

In simple terms ‘safeguarding’ means the action that is taken to protect people from harm and the purpose of the corporate group is to work in partnership to safeguard and promote the welfare of the people we support. Equally important for the group is to promote our values and the principles of Safeguarding Adults (England and Wales) and Adult Support and Protection (Scotland); whilst maintaining respect for a person’s individuality, dignity and human rights and the right to live their life free of violence and abuse.

The Corporate Safeguarding and Adult Support and Protection Group contributes to the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of four key areas:
– Workforce development and training
– Policy and procedures
– Performance, audit and practice improvement
– Information, engagement and involvement

Could you get involved? We are recruiting now for our Corporate Safeguarding / ASP Group
The Real Life Options Group is currently in the process of appointing two volunteer independent representatives or ‘lay members’ to join the Real Life Options Corporate Safeguarding and Adult Support and Protection (ASP) Group.

Their role would be to bring a more ‘grass roots’ perspective, to think as a member of the public and to play a part in the oversight and scrutiny of decisions and policies made by the Group. The main duties will be to:
– Attend and contribute to three half day meetings each year and participate in a small number of relevant Working Groups Could you be the next Independent Representative (lay member) for the Real Life Options Corporate Safeguarding/ASP Group
– Complete enhanced safeguarding / ASP training
– Contribute to improving an understanding of the group’s adult protection role across the organisation and with interested stakeholders You would need to be able to travel to Knottingley for meetings and have an understanding of safeguarding/adult support and protection in adult care and a strong commitment to supporting people’s rights and promoting their safety.

For more information phone 01977 781800 or email
Deadline for applications is Friday 20th Jan 2017.

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