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The Big Jump

The Big Jump

The Big Jump

Friday 4 December, 2015

Parachute JumpHuge congratulations to crazy daredevils Conrad and CEO Brian for taking the plunge in their epic parachute jump

Friday 20th November saw adventurous Conrad and Real Life Options Chief Executive Brian Hutchinson quite literally take a leap of faith …and jump out of a plane travelling at great speed whilst at an altitude of ‘very high up’ for charity.  There was a short delay from the expected date of Friday 13th, which did prove unlucky with an expected hurricane on the way!

But good things come to those who wait. The intrepid pair took the leap together at Teesside Airport Jump Centre, marking not only the first parachute jump for both men, but also the first time Conrad Parachute Jumphad ever been in a plane! Speaking of the jump, Conrad said, “It was absolutely awesome! I just couldn’t wait to do the jump, I was so excited! I loved the whole thing, it was brilliant and the views were incredible too. I’m so, so thankful to John for his kind generosity donating money to do the jump which allowed me to fulfil my life-long dream. It’s something that I’ve always wanted to do for many reasons and I’m thrilled I’ve finally had the opportunity. Plus it’s for a great cause which I’m really passionate about.”

Brian added: “I loved it! It was such a fantastic experience, definitely the best thing I’ve ever done! In the end I was glad Conrad talked me into doing it!”

Parachute JumpThe pair smashed their fundraising target and raised over £1,500, all of which will go to support Real Life Options initiatives to aid the people we support, including a technology project initiated by Conrad himself aiming to provide accessible large-button computers and tablets to improve the IT skills of the people we support across North East England. More on that coming soon…


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