Under Lock and Key – Time for a real change
Thursday 2 March, 2017Following the screening of the Channel 4 Dispatches documentary ARC England, of whom we are a member have issued the following statement;
Under Lock and Key – Time for a real change – ARC England
ARC England, the leading umbrella body representing service providers in the learning disability sector, has responded to the Channel 4 programme “Under Lock and Key”, screened on Wednesday 1st March at 10.00pm, regarding hospital care for people with learning disabilities and complex needs.
Lisa Lenton, Director of ARC England says: “Yet again we are seeing the reality of the damaging impact of caring for someone with Learning Disabilities, Autism, Mental Health conditions and complex needs in this type of setting; a hospital is not a home. The programme strongly demonstrated how personalised support can transform the lives of the most vulnerable people in our society. It has been over 5 years since the abhorrent abuse of people at Winterbourne View was exposed, and the Government response to that scandal, Transforming Care, has failed to deliver the changes that are vital. The current funding situation makes offering the right support for people increasingly difficult as we see providers leaving the market. This lack of stability and sustainability will mean less provision will be available to support people with learning disabilities outside of hospital settings. The Government needs to take action now and review funding arrangements to help providers with rising costs and to fulfil its commitment to transform care for people with Learning Disabilities and complex needs.”
Kate Allen, ARC England Chair and Chief Executive of The Kingwood Trust says: “Last night’s Dispatches program reinforced that a hospital environment is rarely the right place for someone with autism and complex needs. It was sad and upsetting to see people with autism misunderstood and consequently inadequately and inappropriately supported. The Governmental Transforming Care Programme is heading in the right direction but it needs impetus and commitment to make it happen. Complex Adult Social Care needs investment at a time when it is facing yet more cuts and challenges. People with autism and their families have the right to expect personalised support to be provided that more than meets that person’s needs, it should enable them to exceed what they ever thought was possible to achieve.”
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation are supporting a petition started by Leo Andrade, family carer, who was outraged at the revelations exposed in the Dispatches broadcast. The Petition can be found here for those who want to take action to demand change https://www.change.org/p/simon-stevens-enough-is-enough-nhsengland-stop-keeping-people-underlockandkey-in-institutions