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Our Plan

Our Plan

‘Our Plan’ is the Real Life Options Group’s five year blueprint and strategic direction steering us towards 2022. Built on seven core themes underpinned by an ethos of safeguarding, it helps to provide a framework for innovation and agile working.

Our Plan is a live working document that utilises innovation groups as the forum for co-production and collaboration with individuals, families, professional services and staff teams. A key priority for our strategic plan is to have the right people in the right place, at the right time to create and deliver excellent frontline support.

Our strategic aims are to:

  • Provide a gold standard and personalised experience for every person we support
  • Create a process for attracting and retaining the best possible values-driven workforce
  • Continually build on our credentials as a socially responsible member within our sector, our markets and localities
  • Provide opportunities that enable the people we support to be active and valued members within their local communities
  • Support agile working practices in our drive for organisational excellence
  • Create an efficient and effective infrastructure for delivering frontline support
  • Build a business that anticipates customer needs, is resilient to change and well-led

You have a right to know how our services are rated by the CQC and the Care Inspectorate. Click here to find out more.