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You’re Worth it!

You’re Worth it!

You’re Worth it!

Friday 7 November, 2014

Real Life Options would like to welcome Nutritionist, Tess Mewton who joined the team in October. Tess forms part of the Intensive Support Team. Her role is to provide teaching and training on  nutritional topics. Read on to learn more about Tess.Tess Mewton

What sparked your interest in nutrition?

 Being brought up a vegetarian started my interest in nutrition at a young age, traipsing around wholefood shops with my mum as they were the only place you could buy vegetarian alternatives! I always loved baking and liked to experiment with recipes to make them healthier but still taste good. When trying to decide what to study at university I came across dietetics, it was the

perfect fit as I knew I wanted to study nutrition but also wanted a job working with people.

 What is your background and experience?

 After completing my A-levels I went to the University of Surrey to study a four year degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. My first job was at Torbay hospital in Devon, after which I moved to London, working in several different large teaching hospitals.

 How do you eat to stay healthy?

 I am a very keen runner so nutrition is really important for my  performance and energy levels but also for my long term health. I always ensure I eat good balanced meals, having plenty of vegetables, whole grains and some protein while snacking on nuts, seeds, yoghurts and fruit. I do allow myself to indulge at the weekend though – my favourite treat is chocolate!

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